How Words Help Self-healing (from Depression, Heartache, Anxiety and Pain)

For depression, anxiety, heartache and pain? “Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones,” says the Proverbs*. But in a world as hectic as ours where do we find such words?

They could come from within suggests The Alien: A Letter to Future Self in action. Like the in-rehabilitation Nick Carraway in 'The Great Gatsby' as part of his healing process writes about hope—the hopefulness of a dear friend, Jay Gatsby—so has the narrator in The Alien: A Letter to Future Self done in a unique style.

The raw, cheeky, humorous, how-to-in-action narrative spans from finding true love to hope, dreams, happiness, patience and (late blossom) success of a victim of depression and heartache. And most of all the therapeutic awesomeness of the process.

Study after study like Pennebaker's thesis shows that “putting negative experiences into words [like in The Alien: A Letter to Future Self'] seems to have positive physical and psychological effects.”

Religious or not, this sure takes a little off the mystery that shrouds faith: “the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld”— Hebrews 11:1

*Proverbs 16:24
