Victimized Princes of the Arab Spring Plot a Biological Revenge Against the West (A Great Tribulation by Marc Seraphs)

Marc Seraphs “A Great Tribulation” picks up several years after the revolutionary wave of the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa, in an imminent dystopian America as a son of Muammar Gaddafi and his cohorts of other disgraced princes orchestrate a new age biological attack in the spirit of retribution against the West.

Marc Seraphs new masterpiece has a soft underbelly of 'love' with a hard outer shell of the reality of global terror—especially one of biological nature—that might prove hard to crack.

The novella is lead in part by a young journalist married to a closeted United States senator; and a mountain man, Eustace Grimes, and his family forced out of their fortress of solitude in the backwoods of Big Sky Country, Montana, by a group of homegrown extremists.

Although Seraphs imagery is dark and dystopian “where people have the power to hurt each other,” it brings to light “love” as a Constant in the Equation of Life as a whole—religion, and beliefs. Readers of all ages are sure to enjoy this dystopian adventure, now available for free (or borrow) HERE on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats.


Though Muammar Gaddafi is alleged to have sponsored terror against the West—survied by several sons—the character, Israfel Ibn Minyar Gaddafi in 'A Great Tribulation' by Marc Seraphs does not exist. However, there are strong reasons and evidence that many who feel disadvantaged by the West seek to do harm to the culprit of their misfortunes like the “son of Osama Bin Laden desperate to carry on his father's legacy of terror against the West”—reports the media.
